Schiller, Jette Von Roth - Sleepy Storm songtext (lyrics)

[Schiller, Jette Von Roth - Sleepy Storm songtext lyrics]

On the way with bow and arrow
Try to find this thing to shoot
Be on the hunt with bow and arrow
It's a very different trip
Dangerous but necessary

Yes I know, the ice is too thin to walk on
Yes I know, the path too narrow to walk on

Sleepy storm where is your
Beating heart today?
Hey sleepy storm would I choose
To walk or stay? Sleepy storm where is your
Beating heart today?
Hey sleepy storm would I choose
To walk or stay?

On my way with bow and arrow
To be on the safe side
Until I lost sight of the land
Far into the night

Be on the hunt with bow and arrow
With bow and arrow
Shall I find your hiding place

Yes I know, the ice is too thin, I walk on
Yes I know, the path too narrow, I walk on

Sleepy storm where is your
Beating heart today?
Hey sleepy storm would I choose
To walk or stay?

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