Selphius - Say so german songtext (lyrics)

[Selphius - Say so german songtext lyrics]

24 7
If only
You had stayed you would get all that
If you said it out loud
Show me, don't hide it
Now there’s nothing left for you but if you
Really want me, then say it out loud

24 7
If only you would have stayed
You would get all that if you say it out loud
Show it to me, don't hide it
Now there's nothing left for
You But, if you really want me
Then say it out loud
We both know you've been into
Me for a long time you always pretended
When are you still yourself?

Tell me what to do? (Well tell me already)
Luckily I can read you well
You stay closed, I'll stick to you

We can play that all day long
I'll leave if it's too much for me
If you want it now
Then say it before I change my mind

24 7
If only
You had stayed you would get all that
If you said it out loud
Show me, don't hide it
Now there’s nothing left for you but if you
Really want me, then say it out loud

24 7
If only you would have stayed
You would get all that if you say it out loud
Show it to me, don't hide it
Now there's nothing left for you but if you
Really want me, then say it out loud

Breasts sit right, breath CHECK
He makes big eyes, everything is licked
He does Big eyes, everything fit's perfectly
He can't even open his mouth
When he spots me Like

It, love it, need it, really
Want it, take it, steal it, now
Let your players in are you acting nice guy?

Get it, do it when it sparks
Then just get to the point
You keep talking about it
But, I know that you want me

Bitches have been around, have you to myself
And everyone says that you are
Really serious about me
Who was your ex again? I don't care
I have everything you need and nobody else

24 7
If only
You had stayed You would get all that
If you spoke it out loud
Show it to me, don't hide it
Now there's nothing left for you
Do you want I really, then say it out loud
24 7
If only
You had stayed you would get all that
Would you say it out loud
Show me, don't hide it
Now there is nothing left for you if you
Really want me, then speak it out loud from

24 7
If only you would have stayed
You would get all of this if
You say it out loud show me, don't hide it
Now there's nothing left for
You but, if you really want me
Say it out loud

24 7
If only
You had stayed you would get all of this
You would say it out loud
Show me, don't hide it
Now there's nothing left for
You but, if you really want me
Then say it out loud

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