Spliff - Baby I’m Bored songtext (lyrics)

[Spliff - Baby I’m Bored songtext lyrics]

There's nothing in my brain
Except that I'm in pain
Vacant head, wish I'm dead
I'm rheostatic pre-emphatic programatic
I want to see the world go down
I'm the dirty stick in town

Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored
Baby I'm bored b-o-r-e-d bored
Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored
I'm a breed of rat live in a basement flat
Train and drill me to kill kat

But the killer blood it eats my soul
"What kind of soul"
It's got a hole it's just like you

Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored
Baby I'm bored b-o-r-e-d bored
Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored

There's nothing in my brain
Except that I'm inane
They think of me as just a zero
But really folks I'm just a hero
And I'll get them back
Because the birthrate of my rat

Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored
Baby I'm bored b-o-r-e-d bored
Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored
Boring - boring - boring boring - boring

I'll be the hero of the slaves
I'll be the king of all upcoming waves
I'm individual i'm individual
I'm international i'm bombastical
Baby I'm bored i'm rather spastical
Baby I'm bored

Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored
Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored
Baby I'm bored baby I'm bored
Baby I'm bored

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