Spliff - Deep In The City songtext (lyrics)

[Spliff - Deep In The City songtext lyrics]

Wild times down in the big lights
All the people come out to rave
Leather pants, man it's skintight
Everybody's craving for the big wave

They're crawling out of the subways
Like ants from a concrete nest
Each with his own little mainline
But each one just one of the rest

Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Man it's so outrageous
Turning the streets into stages
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Wild women, pretty boys and drag queens
Heavy cats looking for fights
Corner girls, lonely guys and stud kings
Cruising under neon lights
Man, it's a vibration circus
Heavy action everywhere
It don't need a specific purpose
It's a long standing one night affair

Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Man it's so outrageous
Turning the streets into stages
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night

It's a mean scene down on mainstreet
Where the night walkers prowl
Getting their kicks out of dark times
Hearing the night wolves howl

Look, there's one looking for alcohol
See the way he walks
There's one looking for a pretty city Kitty
See the way he stalks
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Man it's so outrageous
Turning the streets into stages
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night
Deep in the city on a saturday night

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