Spliff - Jet Set Star songtext (lyrics)

[Spliff - Jet Set Star songtext lyrics]

Well I'm a jet set star and I wonder
What all you crazy people look for
I got a real tough band who back me up
They don't lay any questions on me

Hey hey all right hey hey all right
Tell them who I am

He's a jet set star he's a jet set star
He's a jet set star he's a jet set star
He's a jet set star he's a jet set star
I got a big fat car with a, ha, TV
And a small girl running my day
I need a big cocaine flash daily
And a new pair of tit's a day

Hey hey all right hey hey all right
Tell them, tell them who I am

He's a jet set star he's a jet set star
He's a jet set star he's a jet set star
He's a jet set star he's a jet set star

I got a few submissive subjects out there
They buy a few million records a year
I talk a lotta shit about nuthin'
'Cause that's what you pricks want to hear

Hey hey all right yeh yeh yeh yeh
Hey hey all right
Tell them, tell them, tell them
He's a jet set star he's a jet set star
He's a jet set star he's a jet set star
He's a jet set star he's a jet set star

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