Spliff - Jive songtext (lyrics)

[Spliff - Jive songtext lyrics]

I run the town, acting like a clown
Looking for fun but people bring me down

I see the boys and say hello
Feeling like a third class hero

So don't give me no shit
I don't wanna know, save all your dive

Freedom is a word without meaning
Peace they say like stupid machines
God is everywhere so forget him
Man they make me want to scream
It's hard to be friend, worse being a lover
Look somewhere to hide but you
Won't find no cover

I see the boys and say hello
But they all tell me buzz off and go

So don't give me no shit
I don't wanna know, save all your jive

Freedom is a word without meaning
Peace they say like stupid machines
God is everywhere so forget him
Man they make me want to scream

Freedom is a word without meaning
Peace they say like stupid machines
God is everywhere so forget him
Man they make me want to scream

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