Stephan Eicher - Commercials (I Cry At) songtext (lyrics)

[Stephan Eicher - Commercials I Cry At songtext lyrics]

We go in empty and come out full
There is plenty when life seems cruel
We push our lives from sale to sale
We're housewives waiting for our mail
This is the church
With a priest in every lane
This is the church which heals the lame
I cry at commercials i cry at commercials
Our soul so heavy the pockets light
We praise this heaven with all our might
We stay home sad but just on Sundays
We're happymad reborn on Mondays
This is the church
With a priest in every lane
This is the church which heals the lame
I cry at commercials i cry at commercials
(Merci à Frédéric pour cettes paroles)

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