Stephan Eicher - I Tell This Night songtext (lyrics)

[Stephan Eicher - I Tell This Night songtext lyrics]

I tell this night to please, slow down
One evening do you remember
Singing I passed your alleys
You sleep hiden in these
Boundless deep nights
In the same moment I laugh and I cry

Every moon is horrible
And every sun is bitter
True love dose'nt existe
But, it's the love of bothe of us
Every moon is horrible
And every sun is bitter
I tell this night to please, slow down
Do you know the inner fever
My hand over flames the early twilight hurts
The dream to the dream
As mysterious as your eyes
Which gleam under your tears

Every moon is horrible
And every sun is bitter true love

I tell this night to please, slow down
Please slow down
They never say what but only requeste
We look at them each and every day
I take my knife, while the others take a mask

Every moon

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