Stephan Eicher - No Escape songtext (lyrics)

[Stephan Eicher - No Escape songtext lyrics]

Nowhere to run nowher to hide
I can't cure this pain inside
What can I do when your love is gone
All I can do, is just to live on

No Escape from your heart
No Escape from your lips
No Escape from your body and your fingertips
No Escape from you baby all night and all day
No Escape from you darling
What else can I say
What can I do without your laughs
Honey your love whatever the cost
How can I hide these tears inside
What can I do when your love died

No Escape from your heart
No Escape from your lips
No Escape from your body and your fingertips
No Escape from you baby all night and all day
No Escape from you darling
What else can I say

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