Stephan Eicher - Right Now songtext (lyrics)

[Stephan Eicher - Right Now songtext lyrics]

Right now, it's good to wake up
I don't want this fear
Sneaking through my center right now
Love is screaming from every corner

Stars know no words but try to explain
Maybe it's my whole heart which
Is calling for you

Right now
The distance which tears everything to pieces
Right now, pains remain
Being better than wounds

This touch, will it go by?
Let's do it quickly until time
Will know the truth when do we go too far?
Explications is waiting somewhere
The net of the night conquers us all
The world stands still but the light
Keeps on wandering right now

Is this the impossible? What if we touch?
Will it break? Will we fall through?
Deep into this dream, we have to drown
The world stands still but the light
Keeps on wandering right now

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