Stephan Eicher - Whatever songtext (lyrics)

[Stephan Eicher - Whatever songtext lyrics]

I could use a lie or two
I'll keep them for me won't use them on you
Stretched here on my back
Like a turtle rehearsing suicide

On my knees for
Prayers, songs, accusations, whatever
Go out and invent yourselves new ones
That's the way it's written here
That's the way
That's the way it's written here
On this blankets between ashes and lost hair

Wheels, powder, citylights, whatever
I leave it on the nightshade of my window
While it goes on

It goes: "shouting, choking, laughing"
Whatever while I lay here in this body
Only waiting for some sleep

That's the way it's written here
That's the way
That's the way it's written here
On these blankets
Between ashes and lost hair

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