Tommy - Binary Love songtext (lyrics)

[Tommy - Binary Love songtext lyrics]

Lost in the air, a glimmer of winter
Lucid like dreams, but we still shiver
Pain is old, silently suffer
Lost touch with life, surrounded by nature

Digital war frozen still, inside we wither
Did we once stand taller than this?

The sunlight, painted in your eyes
Pictured in false light binary love
The sunlight, lies on the outside
Hollow, but godlike binary love

Ease in to sleep caught in the timeout
We're never complete, until we sign out

Intеrnal war frozen still, inside we withеr
Did we once stand taller than this?

The sunlight, painted in your eyes
Pictured in false light binary love
The sunlight, lies on the outside
Hollow, but godlike binary love

Sunlight, Sunlight sunlight, Sunlight
Sunlight, lies on the outside
Hollow, but godlike binary love

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