Tommy - Mind Fall songtext (lyrics)

[Tommy - Mind Fall songtext lyrics]

I find myself sometimes
Just staring at the wall
Thinking how I'm gonna fall
I find myself sometimes waiting for the call
Wanna end it all i can't feel anything
I'll give up everything
You make me feel so small
But bitch I'm ten feet tall

17 i was on my way to Tokyo
When I'm gonna leave here
Keep it on the low low
Hundred miles to the break of dawn
When I'm gonna make it I don't even know
Am i not more then flesh
And bones inside your eyes
Conscience and bundles of heart
Strings sound inside heartbroken
Will these drugs ease the pain, pain
Will these girls do the same, same
Only out at night to play
Trapped inside the light of day
Left or right black or white
Let me tell you whats my type

I find myself sometimes
Just staring at the wall
Thinking how I'm gonna fall
I find myself sometimes waiting for the call
Wanna end it all i can't feel anything
Ill give up everything
You make me feel so small
But bitch I'm ten feet tall

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