Udo Lindenberg - Good Life City songtext (lyrics)

Udo Gerhard Lindenberg

[Udo Lindenberg - Good Life City songtext lyrics]

People in my hometown don't think like me
It's so funny, they cannot see any good in me

The girls in my hometown won't go with me
'Cause they don't want my loving heart
They want security

I say hey hey hey
Good life city, I'm on my way hey, hey hey
Good life city, I'm on my way

My family in my hometown, they hate to see
Their good image turning to
Shame in their community

Hey people, listen to me
This is the day that I
Put on my travelling shoes
And go, go go, the other way

I say hey hey hey
Good life city, I'm on my way
Hey, hey hey yeah
Good life city, I'm on my way
I say hey hey hey yeah
Good life city, I'm on my way
Hey, hey hey yeah
Good life city, I'm on my way hey yeah
Good life city, I'm on my way
Hey, hey hey yeah
Good life city, I'm on my way i said hey

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