Udo Lindenberg - Illusions songtext (lyrics)

Udo Gerhard Lindenberg

[Udo Lindenberg - Illusions songtext lyrics]

Love is a game
You better play according to the rules
And yet we always scheme to much
And dream to much, we fools

Want to buy some illusions
Slightly used, second hand
They were lovely illusions
Reaching high, built on sand

They had a touch of paradise
A spell you can't explain
For in this crazy paradise
You are in love with pain

Want to buy some illusions
Slightly used, just like new
Such romantic illusions
And they're all about you

I sell them all for a penny
They make pretty souvenirs
Take my lovely illusions -
Somе for laughs, some for tears

Too bad they all fеll apart
As dreams often do
They were lovely illusions
But they just wouldn't come true

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