Udo Lindenberg - Paradise Now songtext (lyrics)

Udo Gerhard Lindenberg

[Udo Lindenberg - Paradise Now songtext lyrics]

The time is now for takin' a
Look at the rising earth
Above the moons horizon - rising earth
We are all one - one world or no world

Look around and see what's wrong
We have to start to make it better
We can't just let the things go on
Look, people have to come together
Come together, come together
Look, people have to come together

World is a rainbow - colorful living forever
You can do what you want
And we do it all together
Wе wait no longer - mankind's a big family

We're gеttin' ready for makin' a chain
Around the world hand in hand paradise now
We're gettin' ready my friend

For makin' a chain around the
World hand in hand paradise now
The world is a rainbow
- colorful living forever paradise now
You can do what you want and
We do it all together paradise now

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