Udo Lindenberg - The Children of Your Children Won't Even Know Your Name songtext (lyrics)

Udo Gerhard Lindenberg

[Udo Lindenberg - The Children of Your Children Won't Even Know Your Name songtext lyrics]

You're running around
Like a poor little clown
You're doing so many unimportant things
You think what you think is a very big thing
But the children of your children
Won't even know your name

The children of your children
Won't even know your name

You think you're the greatest
But you're just a little figure in a game
And so many other guys
Have done just the same

And all your struggles might be in vain
'Cause the children of your children
Won't even know your name

The children of your children
Won't еven know your name

Look at all thesе photographs
I've found today faded smiling people
All gone away from here

Look at all these laughin' mothers
With their hopeful children
The stories of their fates forgotten behind
The unknown gates of death

The children of your children
Won't even know your name
The children of your children
Won't even know your name

Children of your children
Won't even know your name

Children of your children
Won't even know your name

Children of your children
Won't even know your name

Children, children of your children
Won't even, won't even know your name
Your name

Children, children of your children

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