Udo Lindenberg - We Could Be Friends songtext (lyrics)

Udo Gerhard Lindenberg

[Udo Lindenberg - We Could Be Friends songtext lyrics]

We could be friends if we'd only know
A little bit about each other
We could be friends and then we would know
More and more about each other
We could have good times going
We could do so many things together

Hey, look at me
I'm just one of a hundred people
That you've met today
But all of them just looked away
Why would no one simply say
We could be friends if we'd only know
A little bit about each other

We could be friеnds and then we would know
More and morе about each other
We could have good times going
We could do so many tings together

I'm sure that I have seen you before
'Cause you got a thousand faces
My unknown friend I see you any time
And at a thousand places
Don't you think we should get together
That way we could do much better

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