Udo Lindenberg - We've Had Our Time songtext (lyrics)

Udo Gerhard Lindenberg

[Udo Lindenberg - We've Had Our Time songtext lyrics]

We've had our time that wasn't good to end
Somehow well, that was nice with you, yeah
In the beginning, I thought we understood
But now I find something has changed
Mmm yeah mmm yeah mmm yeah

Go your way and I go mine
I'm sorry, but I'ma say
Mmm we've had our time had our time

We've had our time that was a good time
Somehow well, that was nice with you, yeah
Sometimes it's not that I change my mind
Maybe it's just because our stars
Have changed their positions

We nеver know, never know, no, no
Maybе it's just a short intermission
Just a short intermission we never know
We don't know we don't know
We never know never know

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