Féloche - Manjo paroles de (lyrics)

[Féloche - Manjo paroles de lyrics]

You kinda freak humble hobo
Who are you to play the banjo

What can I say sweet sixteen
Wide up your eyes it’s a mandoline

Dusty railroad is where you go
Goin’ down south to get your mojo

You call me babe and I rush in
I’m your fool and you’re my queen
Caus’ you play the banjo
Et tu joues le mandoline

It’s a manjo a bandolo, a manjolo
It’s a manjo, un bandolo

Well i don’t know
Just play something on your

If I was the Queen of all the Go Go’s
You would feel the bite of my jaws

Shower and shave is what I need
I can’t believe you are so mean

Caus’ you play the banjo
Et tu joues le mandoline

It’s a manjo a bandolo, a manjolo
It’s a manjo, un bandolo

Well i don’t know
Just play something on your

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