Jürgen Drews - Ne, was is das schön songtext (lyrics)

[Jürgen Drews - Ne, was is das schön songtext lyrics]

Waite John essential John Waite
Rock 'n Roll Is (Alive And Well)
I wrote the president, but I got no reply
He claims he tells the truth
He writes it in the sky
The taxman's at the door
Though he never seems polite
They've got me cornered, cornered
In the light, we could change that overnight

So goodnight to all the world
Sleep tight all you boys and girls

I spent some time at school
Livin' by the rules
They didn't like me much
Hypocrites and fools
Old men teach young men to
Surrender to the law
The straight and narrow path leads
To the same old door
Gonne kick it in like before

So goodnight to all the world
Sleep tight all you boys and girls
Heaven walks hand in hand with hell
Rock 'n roll is alive and well

Too many heroes looking down upon their feet
It's time to raise the roof and
Shout it in the street
It's time to take command
It's time to make a stand - yeah

Don't need a uniform to know
Which side I'm on
Don't need a set of rules to
Know what's right or wrong
I've been an outcast in your
Eyes and to the law
The right hand takes away
The left hand asks for more
But we all know the score

So goodnight to all the world
Sleep tight all you boys and girls
Heaven walks hand in hand with hell
Rock 'n roll is alive and well
So goodnight to all the world
Sleep tight all you boys and girls
Heaven walks hand in hand with hell
Rock 'n roll is alive and well


Gonna have some fun tonight
Everything's alright

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