Söhne Mannheims - I'm There songtext (lyrics)

[Söhne Mannheims - I'm There songtext lyrics]

I'll be there even if you can't see me
If you can't hear me i'm there
Even if you can't feel me
If you can't see me i'm there

Here's a messenger from my love
And he's sending you all of my love
Since you left I just had you on my mind
There's no use looking for you
I know where to find
You're a star and you're shining
Over me so far, that's where you are

I'll be there even if you can't see me
If you can't hear me i'm there
Even if you can't feel me
If you can't see me i'm there

Damn I wish you never left
You were everything to me
You were the air in my breath
The stride in my step
It was you who kept me in check
Now i am here by myself and
It feels like there's nothing left
What the heck is going on
Some time I feel like I'm a stalker
Watching from a distance while
My days grow darker how I miss your touch
Your smile and your laughter
To go to bed at night and
See you in the morning after
But I can see it in your eyes
I know you had enough of all
The cheating and the lies
But what doesn't kill
I suppose only makes you wise
I'm holding onto hope but
Even that slowly dies
Damn I wish that I could reverse
It and take it back
But I guess the future has been written
And that was all in the past
What will happen now? I guess
We will never know but I can't let go I'll
Be there that's for sure

I'll be there even if you can't see me
If you can't hear me i'm there
Even if you can't feel me
If you can't see me i'm there

If you can't make it on your own
I'll be the light to guide you home
When the night seems endless
When your hope is gone
I'll be with you till the break of dawn
When the night reveals what's underneath
I'll be your shelter i'll bring relief
And if you ever be led astray
I will be there to get you back on your way
I'll be there

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