Söhne Mannheims - Kill All Psychopaths songtext (lyrics)

[Söhne Mannheims - Kill All Psychopaths songtext lyrics]

Yo, yo, yeah, yo we're ready for this

We'll be tearing the walls down
To free the town
History is written but fuck that
We'll turn it around
We don't care what they say about us
We've lost our trust now pay they must
Give way they must
We'll be coming to kill all psychopaths

It's a science when you deal
With the molecular structure
Of energy and you are the conductor
Life is your symphony notaling reality
On a planet somewhere in the galaxy
The complexity of the cosmos is immense
I absorb my surroundings and
Capture the events
I form a quick sentence that
Sinks deep into a verse
That explores all corners of the universe
Describe as far as the
Boundaries of words can
So that my words can be heard
By all man my plan
Caputre and expose moments
In poetry lyricsally
Desrive it graphically words my capacity
No matter the weather come rain sleet or snow
I portray the architecture of man
To let the world know
This is my new assignment
Escape this earth environment

We'll be tearing the walls down
To free the town
History is written but fuck that
We'll turn it around
We don't care what they say about us
We've lost our trust now pay they must
Give way they must
We'll be coming to kill all psychopaths
We'll be tearing the walls down
To free the town
History is written but fuck that
We'll turn it around
We don't care what they say about us
We've lost our trust now pay they must
Give way they must
We'll be coming to kill all psychopaths

I won't kill you with a dagger
Won't kill you with a knife
I will kill you with some lyrics
Coming out of my life
Won't kill you with a hammer
But my words are like dart
Coming at you like flying
Fists of matial arts
It's that unexplainable feeling I
Get in my heart
It's the same components that
Turn words into art
It's that inner part of me that
Is still in the dark
I depart searching for life and
Birth was the start
On a magnificent vocage I
Quest the earth surface
I know it seems worthless but I
Know I have a purpose
Adjust to the moments adapt to situations
Life simulation of infinite variations
The stimulation helps me soothe the beast
From the tropical savanna to
These concrete streets
My reflection reflects like the
Sun from a mirror mind and body connect and
Axplode like nuclear
I stride on a stage like
A model does a catwalk
Talk in poetry and expression
May teach a lesson
Maybe stressing on some free style tip
No matter what style I pick you know
I am feeling it, it's how I adapt to
The linguistics using methods derived
From within the mystic
Elements of word construciion my
Words run deep don't sleep

We'll be tearing the walls down
To free the town
History is written but fuck that
We'll turn it around
We don't care what they say about us
We've lost our trust now pay they must
Give way they must
We'll be coming to kill all psychopaths

Do we really have to kill all psychopaths?
Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em
Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em
We're in this for life

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