YUNG LIXO, Massaru - I Walk letra (lyrics)

YUNG LIXO [Victor Schiavon]

[YUNG LIXO, Massaru - I Walk letra lyrics]

I keep on walking
They tried but can't stop me
No blocking my way, I was born for this shit
I walk, I walk, I walk (yeah, yeah)
I walk, I walk, I walk i keep on walking
They tried but can't stop me
No blocking my way, I was born for this shit
I walk, I walk, I walk
I walk, I walk, I walk

Since 2018, I've had no more dreams
Just hopped on a bus and let the pain in
Try paintin' a picture
No brush and no pencil
Only felt weak like I had no potential
Not to mention the anger
I was no fan of myself
How did I have any fans?
Maybe they demons from hell
I know that God may be looking
And Lucifer wants me down
But I just felt like a lost boy
Like white noise in a chapel
Rappin' on a bus to the west
And tryin' hard not to laugh
At how wack I was bein'
Trynna' run away likе a whiny little kid
Never was no king, don't dеserve this shit
Uh, uh, I tried to quit it
Uh, uh, then I dealt with it
Uh, uh, jump out the bus
But the ground ain't soft
Fucked myself up, then just walked it off

I keep on walking
They tried but can't stop me
No blocking my way, I was born for this shit
I walk, I walk, I walk (yeah, yeah)
I walk, I walk, I walk i keep on walking
They tried but can't stop me
No blocking my way, I was born for this shit
I walk, I walk, I walk
I walk, I walk, I walk

Eu vivi tudo o que eu tinha que ter vivido
Talvez eu perdi alguns momentos que
Eu tinha escolhido para mim com tudo isso
Eu paro e penso e vejo o quanto eu aprendi
Vejo o quanto se depararam e
Tramaram o meu fim
Disseram que eu voltei, tipo uma Fênix
Só que eu voltei, tipo um frenesi (Ahn)
Abalando suas estrutura e 'cê não pode rir
(Você sabe)
Eu me vinguei, eu voltei, tipo um nêmesis
(Ahn) ahn, se essa porra é minha vida
Eu vou fazer o quê? (Ahn)
É que o ônibus nem parou e eu já quis descer
É tipo um filme minha vida e eu não sou dublê
(Nunca) se esse mano quer minha ida
Então paga pra ver (Yah)
E se essa porra é minha vida
Eu vou fazer o quê? (Hein?)
Pular de um trem em movimento e nunca morrer
Esse é o preço da imortalidade, pr'ocê ver
(Yah, yah) veni, vidi, vici, eu venci você

I keep on walking
They tried but can't stop me
No blocking my way, I was born for this shit
I walk, I walk, I walk
I walk, I walk, I walk i keep on walking
They tried but can't stop me
No blocking my way, I was born for this shit
I walk, I walk, I walk
I walk, I walk, I walk i keep on walking
They tried but can't stop me
No blocking my way, I was born for this shit
I walk, I walk, I walk (yeah, yeah)
I walk, I walk, I walk i keep on walking
They tried but can't stop me
No blocking my way, I was born for this shit
I walk, I walk, I walk
I walk, I walk, I walk

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