Cecilia Stalín, Eno, Lil’ Chief - Step like a giant songtext (lyrics)

Ensar Albayrak

[Cecilia Stalín, Eno, Lil’ Chief - Step like a giant songtext lyrics]

Step like a giant

Take your steps like a giant light like Ali
Fast like Bird excersice the challange
Each nightlike dubadiba

Stand up like Bob Marley
(Stand up,  stand up)
Giant is your mind, the words you say
Unstopable like Mr coltrane
Write your history -today!
You gotta exercise your right to life
(la la la la)
Begin, be bold and venture to be wise
Sign up, stand up, reach out
Don’t think just do
The sience of a simple mind

Be Bold like William Shakespeare
Never doubt, You are what you belive
Stay original like Billie
‘willow weep for me’
(ett vocal clip m Billie)

Honest like AHitchkock
Fearless only of nothing to say so take
(take em, take em) ur steps like the giant
You would like to betoday

You gotta exercise your right to life
(la la la la)
Begin, be bold and venture to be wise
Sign up, stand up, reach out
Don’t think just do
The sience of a simple mind

Take your steps like a giant light like Ali
Fast like Bird excersice the challange
Each nightlike dubadiba

Stand up like Bob Marley (Stand up, stand up)
Giant is your mind, the words you say
Unstopable like Mr coltrane
Write your history -today!

You gotta exercise your right to life
(la la la la)
Begin, be bold and venture to be wise
Sign up, stand up, reach out
Don’t think just do
The sience of a simple mind

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