Eye of Melian, Johanna Kurkela - Under the Grey Sky sanoitukset (lyrics)

[Eye of Melian, Johanna Kurkela - Under the Grey Sky sanoitukset lyrics]

Under the dark grey sky
We dream in a world that is
Our own as we roam
Through this world and hold tight to our glow

Midnight dance in the sun can you believe?
Shadow dance, blackest light under the trees
In the dark we can hardly see
Though not all is as we dream

Dream in colors all aglow

Under the bleak grey sky
We search for a light as
Guiding fire to follow
Through this world of pathless mist and cold

Midnight dance in the sun can you believe?
Shadow dance, blackest light under the trees
In the dark we can hardly see
Though not all is as we dream

Dream of firе all aglow

With broken hope colors stained
Drеams will perish, slowly fade
Wayworn souls, seek the flame
Or under grey rainbows we'll wither away

Midnight dance in the sun can you believe?
Shadow dance, blackest light under the trees
In the dark we can hardly see
Though not all is as we dream

Midnight dance in the sun can you believe?
Shadow dance, blackest light under the trees
In the dark we can hardly see
Though not all is as we dream

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