EyGee - Kiss & Miss songtext (lyrics)

[EyGee - Kiss & Miss songtext lyrics]

I stare into those eyes beauty heaven sent
I fall for all your lies
Please make me love again

Oh how I miss your love
Each night I call your name
And gaze into the dark 'cause
Things won't be the same

It's kiss and miss every time
Nights like this for all my life

It's kiss and miss every time
Nights like this for all my life

For all my life for all my life

I'm sittin' here all alone
So girl I'm here right now
So distant I should know but
Please just show me how

Vision of myself just trying to beliеve
That I'll be herе in love
Again 'til I conceive

It's kiss and miss every time
Nights like this for all my life

It's kiss and miss every time
Nights like this for all my life

For all my life for all my life

It's kiss and miss every time
Nights like this for all my life

For all my life for all my life

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