EyGee - No Games songtext (lyrics)

[EyGee - No Games songtext lyrics]

I try to hide from the light
I gaze into the night tryna make it right

Glance of perfection but devil in her eyes
The halo of her soul makes the evil rise

My future casts a shadow on the past of us
But the blizzard in her heart
Makes her skin blush

I don't care what they all say
If it ain't right than it ain't right
You know I play no games
My new self looking like cash now
It don't mean an thing
The way I used to roll back in them days
But the boy not changed

My darkest secret tastes good with red wine
Drop your covers let our fingers intertwine

I think you lost me in the storm of time
Your love's a memory as soft as sunlight

It's funny how you smile but
Try to break away
Just let the glow of sunlight
Kiss lifes hurts away

I don't care what they all say
If it ain't right than it ain't right
You know I play no games
My new self looking like cash now
It don't mean an thing
The way I used to roll back in them days
But the boy not changed

I don't care what they all say
If it ain't right than it ain't right
You know I play no games
My new self looking like cash now
It don't mean an thing
The way I used to roll back in them days
But the boy not changed

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