Itchy Poopzkid - Stuck In A Daze songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Stuck In A Daze songtext lyrics]

I always used to keep an
Eye on this scenery
Made up my mind and found out
That I still disagree
You're failing to pretend
That you're one of my friends

Take back your entertainment
Your tragic comedy
Headlines and advertisement
Canting security
Stick to your made up stories
To keep the level low
Your plans are visible to us
Just like red color in the snow

And here it comes again now
God bless the bad routine
We're used to all the lies
That we can choose between
So here it comes again now
We won't adopt your ways
Whoever follows you
Will be stuck in a daze

A brand new education
An irritated youth
They're waiting for salvation
"How to not get the blues"
Welcome the common lifestyle
All show and no substance
Get dressed and put on a big smile
For the contemporary dance

And here it comes again now
God bless the bad routine
We're used to all the lies
That we can choose between
So here it comes again now
We won't adopt your ways
Whoever follows you
Will be stuck in a daze

I'm listening but I don't really do
My head's not here not even near
It's gone to somewhere new
Too late to wait I've given up on you
I'm listening but I don't really do

And here it comes again now
God bless the bad routine
We're used to all the lies
That we can choose between
So here it comes again now
We won't adopt your ways
Whoever follows you
And here it comes again now
God bless the bad routine
We're used to all the lies
That we can choose between
So here it comes again now
We won't adopt your ways
Whoever follows you
Will be stuck in a daze
Will be stuck in a daze
Will be stuck in a daze

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