Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Let Me Have Another Day songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Let Me Have Another Day songtext lyrics]

Let me have another day i want to stay
I need the way you're needing me
Don’t send me away

Don't let good love wait on time
'Cause time won’t wait on love
Give me back the will to live
I've got so much to give

Hopin' still that we can see it through
And it's not just make-believe
But in moments when I'm thinking clear
Your spider's web you weave

Let me have another day i want to stay
I need the way you're needing me
Don't send me away

Fivе after twelve, yеt I can’t go
It’s too late anyhow
Every night I'm dreaming sad
But leave it up to fate

Hopin’ still that we can see it through
And it's not just make-believe
But in moments when I'm thinking clear
Your spider's web you weave

Hopin’ still that we can see it through
And it's not just make-believe
But in moments when I'm thinking clear
Your spider's web you weave

Let me have another day i want to stay
I need the way you're needing me
Don't send me away

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