Kanonenfieber - Stop the War songtext (lyrics)

[Kanonenfieber - Stop the War songtext lyrics]

Torn from a peaceful dream
By sirens and explosions
Soldiers marching through the streets
The words of war have been spoken

A country faints away
A curtain made from fear
You can't flee, you have to stay
Friends and family disappear

Haven't we learned anything?
Haven't we learned from the past?
Haven't we learned anything?
Haven't we learned from the past?
Haven't we learned anything?
Haven't we learned from the past?
Havеn't we learned anything?
Havеn't we learned from the past?

To those who can hear me
I say - do not despair
The misery that is now upon us
Is but the passing of greed
- the bitterness of men who fear
The way of human progress
The hate of men will pass, and dictators die
And the power they took from the
People will return to the people
And so long as men die
Liberty will never perish

Over and over and over again
Killing for territorial claims
Over and over and over again
People in loss suffering and pain
Over and over and over again
People are ruled by the insane
Over and over and over again
This time the victim is Ukraine

And children are crying
For their fathers to come
Meanwhile they are dying at the battlefront

We see young men die and hear leaders speak
I hope for the time nie wieder Krieg

Haven't we learned anything?
Nie wieder Krieg
Haven't we learned from the past?
Nie wieder Krieg
Haven't we learned anything?
Nie wieder Krieg
Haven't we learned from the past?
Nie wieder Krieg
Haven't we learned anything?
Nie wieder Krieg
Haven't we learned from the past?
Nie wieder Krieg
Haven't we learned anything?
Nie wieder Krieg
Haven't we learned from the past?

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