Keren Ann - It Ain’t No Crime paroles de (lyrics)

[Keren Ann - It Ain’t No Crime paroles de lyrics]

Don't say nothin' i'll speak for two
I'll do the lying you just walk through
It ain't no crime that's what we do
Ain't that what we do?

There are no victims there is no truth
We take their money they take our youth
It ain't no crime that's what we do
Ain't that what we do? Baby I
Won't trade your million dollar smile
Won't let them take your
Most particular style
But let's give em something
To remember you by oh my

A skill for foolin' that's all I have
I promise kisses but not to love
It ain't no crime that's what we do
Ain't that what we do?

Baby I won't trade your million dollar smile
Won't let them take your
Most particular style
But I'll give em something to remember you by
Oh my

Don't s say nothin' i'll speak for two
I'll do the lying you just walk through
It ain't no crime that's what we do
Ain't that what we do?

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