Keren Ann - It’s All a Lie paroles de (lyrics)

[Keren Ann - It’s All a Lie paroles de lyrics]

The lips of time, they kiss again
When I walk alone, into the night
They know my voice, they know my name
My need for love, my fear of heights
So I keep my wit, my running game
My shoulders straight and chin up high
But it's all a lie it's all a lie

And I forget how the time, it flies
When my fingers crossed, I hope in vain
That you'll be home with sleepy eyes
To fix it all, cause you know my pain
And I forget how the time, it flies
When the day is long, and it keeps me dry
Cause it's all a lie
There's no perfect way to clear the mess
We both a past, in a silver frame
See, my heart, it died, a slow weary death
In the tainted arms of another man
But you and I we're no different
Than the rest of the world
When the morning rings
Everyone wants a piece of the love of god
And everyone singseveryone sings

I know you can tell that I can't help myself
But I can't help myself cause it's all a lie
It's all a lie

The lips of time, they kiss again
When I walk alone, into the night
They know my voice, they know my name
My need for love, my fear of heights
But see
I'm not different than the rest of the world
When the morning rings
I just want a piece of the love of god

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