Keren Ann - You Were On Fire paroles de (lyrics)

[Keren Ann - You Were On Fire paroles de lyrics]

I've never seen you clear before
I've never heard you cry
My blinded heart has washed ashore
My innocence's gone dry
And I wish I had more patience
There are things I can't reverse
I don't know why you were so threatened
By the entire universe you were on fire
Tainted in the sun
You ran against the raging wind
Decadent and drunken with desire
Fooling the love of everyone
Your reverence in flames
Your eyes were golden and awake
You were on fire no one's ever saved you
You only saw him bleed
And his sorrow misbehaved you
To avenge and not to plead
But out here, there is no other
Who has seen you broken down
Bare and blameless for your lover
Bold and fearless for the crowd
You were on fire tainted in the sun
You ran against the raging wind
Decadent and drunken with desire
Fooling the love of everyone
Your reverence in flames
Your eyes were golden and awake
You were on fire you were on fire
Fooling the love of everyone
Your reverence in flames
Your eyes were golden and awake
You were on fire

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