KMFDM - A Drug Against War songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - A Drug Against War songtext lyrics]

"Bomb the living bejesus out of those forces"

Television, religion, social destruction
Sex and drugs, violent seduction
Crystal dawn, ecstatic explosion
Parental advice leads to mental erosion

Stronger than never ever before
KMFDM is a drug against war

Line after line, round after round
Empty shells fall to the ground
Faster than lightning, high as a kite
Sonic bombardment, brighter than sunlight

Stronger than never ever before
KMFDM is a drug against war

K, yeah, M, yeah, F, yeah, D, yeah, M

No need for needles, no injection
The substance substitutes love and affection
Total sedation of longing desire
Cremation of senses in friendly fire

Stronger than never ever before
KMFDM is a drug against war
Stronger than never ever before
KMFDM is a drug against war

"Kill everything, kill everything"
"Bomb the living bejesus out of those forces"
"Kill everything, kill everything"
"Bomb the living bejesus out of those forces"
"That's not enough"

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