KMFDM - Animal Out songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Animal Out songtext lyrics]

Animal out, animal out, animal out
Animal out
Let your animal, animal, animal out
Let your animal out let your animal out
Let your animal out

Fiercely in control
Show your fangs, shake those bones
Stripped bare on the roam
Hear you growl, make me moan

Let me hear it that sound you make
Let me hear it

Shock, awe, break taboo
Jagged claw tearing through
Primal scream, acquiesce
Embrace your inner creature
Let nature do the rest

Let me hear it that sound you make
Let me hear it ow!
Let me hear it turn it up loud
Let your animal, animal, animal out
Circle like a tiger step out from the crowd
Let your animal howl back it up now
Let your animal, animal, animal out
Release your inner fever unleash your whore
'Til the screams keep coming
And they beg for more

Let your animal, animal, animal out
Let your animal, animal, animal out
Let your animal, animal, animal out
Let your animal, animal (Ow)

Let me hear it turn it up
Circle like a tiger step out from the crowd
Let your animal, let your animal out
Back it up release your inner fever
Unleash your whore
'Til the screams keep coming
And they beg for more
Let your animal, let your animal out (Ow)

Animal, animal, animal, animal
Let your animal out, animal, animal
Let your animal out let your animal out
Let your animal out let your animal out
Let your animal out let your animal out

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