KMFDM - Apathy songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Apathy songtext lyrics]

Without space without time
I am deaf i am blind
Without motion without sound
Like a flower underground

I can't see i don't feel
I can't touch i don't heal
Apathy apathy

Isolation demarcation solitary separation
No more joy no more sadness
No emotion only madness

I can't see i don't feel
I can't touch i don't heal
Apathy apathy
Apathy apathy

Corrosion from within no future

I can't see i don't feel
I can't touch i don't heal
Apathy apathy
Apathy apathy

Corrosion from within no future
No resistance in the cell
No resistance in the cell
No resistance in the cell
No resistance in the cell no more

Without space without time
I am deaf i am blind
Without motion without sound
Like a flower underground

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