KMFDM - Automaton songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Automaton songtext lyrics]

Flawed humanity gripped by it's infatuation
New technology build bionic generation

Walk like me talk like me
Look like me see like me
Touch like me feel like me
Taste like me love like me

Ahh, automaton (o oh, o oh) automaton
Ahh, automaton (o oh, o oh) automaton

Past behind, future in
Erase mankind limb by limb
Man machine ghost of me
A Frankenstein guinea pig

Ahh, automaton (Oh, oh, automaton)
Automaton aIDentity
Blueprint for a population cyborg fantasy
Built to last timeless perfection

Think like me act like me
Trust like me lie like me
Want like me watch like me
Dream like me not like me

Ahh, automaton (o oh, o oh) automaton
Ahh, automaton (o oh, o oh) automaton

Past behind, future in
Erase mankind limb by limb
Man machine ghost of me
A Frankenstein guinea pig

Ahh, automaton (o oh, o oh) automaton
Ahh, automaton (o oh, o oh) automaton

Ahh, automaton (o oh, o oh) automaton
Ahh, automaton (o oh, o oh) automaton

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