KMFDM - Ave Maria songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Ave Maria songtext lyrics]

Ave Maria mother Mary shouting out her name
Ave Maria
Bearing witness in the face of pain

Honor slowly letting go
Hearts thunder from the beating
Standing alone

Deus ex feces ill-begotten holy mutant
Downfall of a species morituri te salutant

Show me something to believe in
Tell me one truth I don't know
Give me something to hold on to
Point me somewhere I can go

Ave Maria unforgiving in the age of shame
Ave Maria
Watching as we're perishing in vain
Where angels fear to tread
Bloody hands, foolish men
Dare smite the dragon's head

Deus ex feces ill-begotten holy mutant
Downfall of a species morituri te salutant

Give me wisdom to live up to
Tell me what I ought to know
Reignite the fire inside me
Be with me when I must go

Ave Maria ave Maria

Ave Maria mother Mary shouting out her name
Ave Maria
Bearing witness in the face of pain

Deus ex feces ill-begotten holy mutant
Downfall of a species morituri te salutant

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