KMFDM - Being Boiled songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Being Boiled songtext lyrics]

Listen to the voice of Buddha
Saying, "Stop your sericulture
Little people like your offspring
Boiled alive for some god's stocking"
Buddha's watching, Buddha's waiting

Just because the kid's an orphan
Is no excuse for thoughtless slaying
People don't forget this torture
Just because you call her mother
Doesn't mean that she's your better

Once more with the voice of Buddha
He'll say, "Carry on your slaughter
Who cares for the little children?
You may slice with no conviction"
Blind revenge on a blameless victim

Listen to the voice of Buddha
Saying, "Stop your sericulture
Who cares for the little children?
You may slice with no conviction"
Blind revenge on a blameless victim

Listen to the voice of Buddha
Listen to the voice of Buddha
Listen to the voice of Buddha

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