KMFDM - BLACK HOLE songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - BLACK HOLE songtext lyrics]

Look alive, fearless t-minus hyperspace
Burn offering, cede control
Melt your face to liquid gold

In a black in a black
In a black in a black, black hole
In a black in a black
In a black in a black, black hole

Don't tempt the gods, there's no escape
They'll rip the skin right off your face

In a black in a black
In a black in a black, black hole
In a black in a black
In a black in a black, black hole
Starry-eyed, bleary oxytocin overload
Full force, morse code
Strangled up, tied, in a death roll

In a black in a black
In a black in a black, black hole
In a black in a black
In a black in a black, black hole

Tip the gun, leave this place
All bets are off when you're lost in space

In a black in a black
In a black in a black, black hole
In a black in a black
In a black in a black, black hole
In a black in a black
In a black hole in a black
In a black in a black
In a black, black hole

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