KMFDM - Death & Burial Of C.R. songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Death & Burial Of C.R. songtext lyrics]

Who killed Cock Robin?
"I, " said the sparrow
"With my bow and arrow i killed Cock Robin"

Who saw him die? "I, " said the fly
"With my little eye i saw him die"

Who caught his blood? "I, " said the fish
"With my little dish i caught his blood"

Who'll make the shroud?
"I, " said the beetle
"With my thread and needle
I'll make the shroud"

Who'll dig his grave? "I, " said the owl

Who'll be the parson? "I, " said the rook
"With my little book i'll be the parson"
Who'll be the clerk? "I, " said the lark
"If it's not in the dark i'll be the clerk"

Who'll be chief mourner? "I, " said the dove
"I mourn for my love i'll be chief mourner"

Who'll carry the coffin? "I, " said the kite
If it's not through the night
I'll carry the coffin"

Who'll bear the pall? "I, " said the wren
"Both the cock and the hen
We'll bear the pall"

Who'll sing a psalm? "I, " said the thrush
As she sat on a bush "I'll sing a psalm"

Who'll toll the bell? "I, " said the bull
"Because I can pull i'll toll the bell"
All the birds of the air
Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing
When they heard the bell toll
For poor Cock Robin

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