The stories you read the word in the street
What you see with your own eyes
All deception and lies

Hostile agenda foreign propaganda
Aimed to stir unrest
Put the system to the test

Fake news a thing as everyone knows
Policy's made by talk show hosts

All other song or intelligent reason
Unpatriotic, sedition it's treason

Rest assured that what you see
That what you hear and what you eat
Is not real so if it cannot happen here
It cannot be real who's behind it?
What's the deal?

Insecurity and chaos across the board
Law and order must be restored

Rest assured that what you see
That what you hear and what you eat
Is not real

It's so far that it cannot happen
Just like the sound of one hand clappin'

There is nothing the political
Establishment will not do
To hold their power and prestige
At your expense it's me against us
Like lemmings we follow whatever we're fed
We simply swallow

Everyone's head's so far up their ass
Ironically reaching a critical mass

It can't happen here
Where does it come from? How did so many
Become so numb? Deluded, desperate
Dangerous, and dumb

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