Knorkator, Dirk Burke - Ring My Bell songtext (lyrics)

[Knorkator, Dirk Burke - Ring My Bell songtext lyrics]

I'm glad you're home
Now did you really miss me
I guess you did by the look in your eyes
Well lay back and relax while
I put away the dishes
Then you and me can rock-a-bye

You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell
The night is young, and full of possibilities
Well come on, and let yourself be free
My love for you, so long I've been saving
Tonight was made for me and you

You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell

You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell
You can ring my bell, ring my bell

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