Kraftwerk - Kometenmelodie songtext (lyrics)

[Kraftwerk - Kometenmelodie songtext lyrics]

Die sonne toent nach alter weise
In brudersphaeren wettgesang
Und ihre vorgeschriebene reise
Vollendet sie mit donnergang

The sun sounds out in an old manner
In a fraternal vocal competition
And it's prescribed course
Reaches a conclusion with a thunder

The sun intones it's ancient song
Mid rival chant of brother spheres
Its predestined course it speeds along
In thund? Rous march throughout the years

The sun intones, in ancient tourney
With brother-spheres, a rival song
Fulfilling it's predestined journey
With march of thunder moves along

The sun is chanting his ancient song
In contest with the brother spheres
Rolling with thunder steps along
Down the predestined course of years

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