Kumult - Dirty Work in the Moonlight songtext (lyrics)

[Kumult - Dirty Work in the Moonlight songtext lyrics]

Hold on to your money's worth
Stay down, digging in the dirt
Tonight, I came to sell my own soul
To rise up through glitter and gold

While I try to fight the demons inside
That are picking
Twisting and turning my mind
It's a waste of time i find

While I try to fight the demons inside
That are picking
Twisting and turning my mind
The time has arrived
For dirty work in the moonlight


While I try to fight the demons inside
That are picking
Twisting and turning my mind
It's a waste of time i find

While I try to fight the demons inside
That are picking
Twisting and turning my mind
The time has arrived
For dirty work in the moonlight

I try to fight the demons inside
The timе arrived to rise
For dirty work in the moonlight

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