Niall Horan - Heaven lyrics

[Niall Horan - Heaven lyrics]

Strange light revolves around you
You float across the room
Your touch is made of something
Heaven can't hold a candle too
You're made of somethin' new

Let's not get complicated
Let's just enjoy the view
It's hard to be a human
So much to put an answer to

But that's just what we do
God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts
To grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames

Heaven won't be the same
I'm havin' revelations
You dance across the floor
Beyond infatuation
How I obsessively adore you that's what I do

I believe, I believe
I could die in your kiss no, it doesn't get
Doesn't get better than this

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts
To grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts
To grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

Heaven won't be the same

I believe, I believe
I could die in your kiss
No, it doesn't get, doesn't get better than
Better than this

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts
To grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts
To grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

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About the song Niall Horan - Heaven

Fans of Niall Horan had various reactions to his song "Heaven" from the album "The Show." Many fans expressed their love and admiration for Niall, often using phrases like "Te amo" (I love you) and "I love you Niall." They also shared their appreciation for the song itself, describing it as a masterpiece, beautiful, catchy, and emotionally moving. Some fans mentioned how proud they were of Niall's growth as an artist, and how his music has evolved since his days in One Direction.

There were also comments about the music video's aesthetics and visuals, with fans expressing their enjoyment of the video's quality and content. A few fans mentioned the acoustic part of the song, suggesting they would like to hear a full acoustic version.

Some fans compared Niall's music to that of other One Direction members and even suggested that Niall had been the best songwriter in the group. Others speculated about the song's potential to become a radio hit and its potential for achieving a high number of views on YouTube. Overall, the fan response to "Heaven" was overwhelmingly positive, with fans showing their love and support for Niall and his music.
Text interpretation
Author: Narryspot

¡Wow, qué puedo decir! Niall Horan ha creado una verdadera obra maestra con "Heaven". Desde el momento en que escuché los primeros acordes de la guitarra, supe que esta canción iba a ser especial. 🎸 La voz de Niall siempre ha sido increíble, pero en "Heaven" realmente brilla. Su tono suave y emotivo se combina perfectamente con la música y las letras, creando una experiencia auditiva que realmente te hace sentir en el cielo. 😇 Las letras son tan profundas y conmovedoras, y realmente me llegan al corazón. Puedo sentir la pasión y el amor que Niall puso en cada palabra, y me encanta cómo se conecta con sus emociones y las de sus oyentes. 🎶 El video musical es igualmente impresionante. Los visuales son creativos y únicos, y realmente capturan la esencia de la canción. La estética y las escenas en el video son simplemente magníficas, y no puedo dejar de verlo una y otra vez. 🎥

Text interpretation
Author: Nieznaj

I can't get enough of "Heaven"! 😍 Niall's voice has this incredible, soothing quality to it, which perfectly complements the melody and lyrics of the song. The combination of the acoustic guitar, drums, and backing vocals creates a fantastic balance that brings the whole track together. 🎵 The lyrics are both heartfelt and relatable, showcasing Niall's growth as a songwriter. The music video is visually stunning too! I love the aesthetic choices, like the girls dressed as nuns and the drummer's performance. These elements add a unique and intriguing touch to the video, making it even more enjoyable to watch. 🎥 And let's not forget the incredible acoustic section of the song! 😮 The transition from the studio audio to Niall singing acoustically really showcases his raw talent and sends chills down my spine every time. It's just another reason why "Heaven" is an absolute masterpiece. 🌟  Keep shining, Niall! We are so proud of you and will always support your amazing work! ❤️👍

Text interpretation
Author: Andrea

Oh my gosh, I can't even begin to express how much I ADORE "Heaven" by Niall Horan! From the moment it was released, I knew it was going to be my all-time favorite song. I mean, everything about it is just perfect. Niall's voice is like an angel, and the melody is so captivating. It's just one of those songs that stays with you, you know? The album, "The Show," is just incredible, and I am so grateful to be able to experience this era of Niall's music. I can't help but feel so proud of him and everything he's accomplished since his One Direction days. He truly deserves all the love and recognition in the world. I am absolutely OBSESSED with this song, and I can't help but play it on repeat. And the music video? It's so simple yet so powerful - just Niall and his guitar, which is what we love best. It's like he's speaking directly to our hearts. Niall has such a unique and genuine talent that transcends generations. I'm so glad I'm alive at the same time as him to follow him along on his journey! His music has the power to bring people together and create such incredible, unforgettable moments. I am so in love with this song, and I can't wait to see what Niall has in store for us next. He is truly our superhero, and his music will forever hold a special place in our hearts. Niall, we adore you! Keep shining bright and sharing your gift with the world.

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