No Stories, Juli - Lost in Space songtext (lyrics)

[No Stories, Juli - Lost in Space songtext lyrics]

I'm an astronaut lost in space
Where her shoulder meets her neck
I'm a race car driver in last place
Just trying not to wreck

I don't know who I am when she's around
And the stars are forgetting themselves
When she's around

I'm a neurosurgeon with the shakes
When your eyes look into mine
I'm a deep sea diver low on air
Running out of time

I don't know who I am when she's around
And the stars are forgetting themselves
When she's around

What do I do? What do I say?
Is it OK? I'm not afraid
Oh, I'm such a fool when she's the sickness
And the cure

I'm an astronaut lost in space
Where her shoulder meets her neck
I'm a race car driver in last place
Just trying not to wreck

I don't know who I am when she's around
And the stars are forgetting themselves
When she's around

Yeah, the stars are forgetting themselves
When she's around
Yeah, the stars are forgetting themselves
When she's around

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