Peter Maffay - Morning Song songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - Morning Song songtext lyrics]

Light shine in the morning, surround my room
And bring back color to the gray
On the cold remains of the evening games
I played and won with just my love for you

Say, what can I call you, the sleeping face
I've never known by light of day
Just the dancing glow from
The big-screen show
The late-night film I did not take you to
Though the show was not over
I asked you home
We were long so, oh so alone
Music doing my talking, it always does
And the special meaning just for us
You sang me a lullaby, so soft and warm
And there was nothing more to say
Though I don't even know your name
That's really all the same
Because you love me just as
Much as I love you

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