Peter Maffay - Tania songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - Tania songtext lyrics]

Sometimes life can be so hard
And perhaps it seems unfair
But, I thought it over such a long, long time

And when Tania wakes up in the mornin'
And she softly brushes night out of her hair
She'll expect to find me by her side sleepin'
But she won't see me there, I'll be far away

Now I'm many miles from home
But she knew I had to leave
Though I told her so, she never would believe

And when Tania wakes up in the mornin'
And she softly brushes night out of her hair
She'll expect to find me by her side sleepin'
But she won't see me there, I'll be far away

Girl, sometimes things just have to be
And life can seem so unfair
Just remember, I love you, and always will

And when Tania wakes up in the mornin'
And she softly brushes night out of her hair
She'll expect to find me by her side sleepin'
But she won't see me there, I'll be far away

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